Achy, sore joints, Arthritis, Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease… Inflammation is a major factor!
These all have common links to inflammation in the body. Inflammation is one of the leading causes behind all disease processes. Stress, lousy diets, and a lack of exercise can all play a part of this problem. Here are a few tips to help you start feeling more active with increased flexibility with some of these common, easy changes in lifestyle.
Anti-inflammatory Answers…
*Changes in Eating Habits:
- Eliminate all Trans Fats and Hydrogenated Oils from your diet.
- On the flip side… Increase Omega 3 Fatty Acid type of oils Some of the top Omega 3 Oils that can help are Fish Oils (Wild Caught Salmon and Tuna, Flax Oil, Coconut Oil)
- Reduce all Omega 6 Fatty Acid oils such as corn oil, canola oil, vegetable oil. While these oils may sound healthy, they cause inflammation.
- Eliminate all high fructose corn syrup and switch to natural sweeteners such as honey, stevia, (or organic raw sugar)
- Increase green vegetables in your diet as well as the berries.
- Drink more pure water.
- Increase your exercise level each day, at your pace. At a minimum… Start with a stationary bike or begin walking. If it’s cold, find a mall or large store to start your exercise program. But, no excuses! Make sure your your doctor approves (of, course).
- If you are able, join a group or class to help you become accountable. We all need partners to cheer us on!
*Stress Reduction
- Start off you day reading something positive and uplifting. I prefer reading a Proverb from the Bible every day along with reading other positive, uplifting, or educational books.
- Pray every morning. God loves to hear our concerns!
- Think about and say out-loud at least one thing you are thankful for each and every morning. At least one! You’ll be amazed at how you become to feel less stressed.
- Tell someone everyday how they’ve positively impacted you or how you are grateful for them.
Bet your feeling better already! Keep on moving forward, step-by-step.
May 03, 2014 at 8:15 PM
Thank you for your article,I used organic Agave nectar,date sugar,dry apricot or fresh date,for baking and for smoothies. God bless.